235 research outputs found

    It's all in the game

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    De computer game industrie is in omvang de afgelopen jaren de filmindustrie gepasseerd. Het ontwikkelen van een computer game kost tegenwoordig vele miljoenen. Teams van tientallen programmeurs, animators, grafisch ontwerpers en geluidstechnici werken er vele jaren aan. Toch werd er tot recent in het onderwijs vrijwel geen aandacht aan besteed. Dit begint nu te veranderen. Aan een aantal universiteiten in het buitenland worden vakken over computer game ontwerp opgezet. Ook zijn er een aantal (commerciële) onderwijsinstellingen ontstaan die zich primair op game design richten. In Nederland kan men sinds twee jaar de opleiding Design for Virtual Theatre and Games volgen aan de hogeschool voor de kunsten in Utrecht. Deze opleiding richt zich sterk op de artistieke aspecten van game design. Aan de universiteit Utrecht wordt sinds afgelopen jaar binnen de opleiding Informatica door mij een vak Game Design verzorgd dat meer ingaat op de technische aspecten van het onderwerp. In dit artikel wil ik schetsen hoe dat vak is opgezet en de ervaringen van het eerste jaar geven. Hopelijk inspireert dit anderen om binnen het informatica-onderwijs op verschillende niveaus aandacht aan game design te geven

    On R-trees with low query complexity

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    The R-tree is a well-known bounding-volume hierarchy that is suitable for storing geometric data on secondary memory. Unfortu- nately, no good analysis of its query time exists. We describe a new algo- rithm to construct an R-tree for a set of planar objects that has provably good query complexity for point location queries and range queries with ranges of small width. For certain important special cases, our bounds are optimal. We also show how to update the structure dynamically, and we generalize our results to higher-dimensional spaces

    Orienting polyhedral parts by pushing

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    A common task in automated manufacturing processes is to orient parts prior to assembly. We consider sensorless orientation of an asymmetric polyhedral part by a sequence of push actions, and show that is it possible to move any such part from an unknown initial orientation into a known final orientation if these actions are performed by a jaw consisting of two orthogonal planes. We also show how to compute an orienting sequence of push actions.We propose a three-dimensional generalization of conveyor belts with fences consisting of a sequence of tilted plates with curved tips; each of the plates contains a sequence of fences. We show that it is possible to compute a set-up of plates and fences for any given asymmetric polyhedral part such that the part gets oriented on its descent along plates and fences

    The floodlight problem

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    Given three angles summing to 2, given n points in the plane and a tripartition k1 + k2 + k3 = n, we can tripartition the plane into three wedges of the given angles so that the i-th wedge contains ki of the points. This new result on dissecting point sets is used to prove that lights of specied angles not exceeding can be placed at n xed points in the plane to illuminate the entire plane if and only if the angles sum to at least 2. We give O(n log n) algorithms for both these problems

    Computing the Angularity Tolerance

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    Computing and Verifying Depth Orders

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    Flipturning polygons

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    A flipturn is an operation that transforms a nonconvex simple polygon into another simple polygon, by rotating a concavity 180 degrees around the midpoint of its bounding convex hull edge. Joss and Shannon proved in 1973 that a sequence of flipturns eventually transforms any simple polygon into a convex polygon. This paper describes several new results about such flipturn sequences. We show that any orthogonal polygon is convexified after at most n-5 arbitrary flipturns, or at most 5(n-4)/6 well-chosen flipturns, improving the previously best upper bound of (n-1)!/2. We also show that any simple polygon can be convexified by at most n^2-4n+1 flipturns, generalizing earlier results of Ahn et al. These bounds depend critically on how degenerate cases are handled; we carefully explore several possibilities. We describe how to maintain both a simple polygon and its convex hull in O(log^4 n) time per flipturn, using a data structure of size O(n). We show that although flipturn sequences for the same polygon can have very different lengths, the shape and position of the final convex polygon is the same for all sequences and can be computed in O(n log n) time. Finally, we demonstrate that finding the longest convexifying flipturn sequence of a simple polygon is NP-hard.Comment: 26 pages, 32 figures, see also http://www.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/pubs/flipturn.htm

    Shortest path queries in rectilinear worlds

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    Abstract In this paper, a data structure is given for two and higher dimensional shortest path queries. For a set of n axis-parallel rectangles in the plane, or boxes in d-space, and a fixed target, it is possible with this structure to find a shortest rectilinear path avoiding all rectangles or boxes from any point to this target. Alternatively, it is possible to find the length of the path. The metric considered is a generalization of the Ll-metric and the link metric, where the length of a path is its L1-Iength plus some (fixed) constant times the number of turns on the path. The data structure has size 0« n log n )d-l), and a query takes O(logd-l n) time (plus the output size if the path must be reported). As a byproduct, a relatively simple solution to the single shot problem is obtained; the shortest path between two given points can be computed in time O(ndlogn) for d ~ 3, and in time 0(n 2 ) in the plane

    Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D

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    In this paper, we study movements of simple polygonal chains in 3D. We say that an open, simple polygonal chain can be straightened if it can be continuously reconfigured to a straight sequence of segments in such a manner that both the length of each link and the simplicity of the chain are maintained throughout the movement. The analogous concept for closed chains is convexification: reconfiguration to a planar convex polygon. Chains that cannot be straightened or convexified are called locked. While there are open chains in 3D that are locked, we show that if an open chain has a simple orthogonal projection onto some plane, it can be straightened. For closed chains, we show that there are unknotted but locked closed chains, and we provide an algorithm for convexifying a planar simple polygon in 3D with a polynomial number of moves